
Showing posts from June, 2015

Penangkaran Jalak Bali (Leukopsar rothschildi) di Kampus UNUD

Click Here for More About Bali Starling Beberapa bulan lalu, sewaktu aku pergi ke kampus UNUD di Jimbaran *maklum aku kuliah di kampus UNUD Sudirman* aku dapat info dari teman kalau si Bali Starling ini punya penangkaran di halaman gedung rektorat UNUD. Sayang karena buru-buru jadinya waktu itu aku tidak sempat melihat si Jalak Bali ini. Hari ini kebetulan aku ada acara di kampus UNUD Jimbaran dan akhirnya bisa melihat si Rotshchildi ini.

[Travel] Gunung Payung Beach, Kutuh Village, South Kuta

Actually, i went here on 16 May 2015. It was just a day after i went to Bukit Asah . So i think why don't i make an english post? I always wanted to use english on my post. The reason is a bit of random, i know. But it's my blog so i just write whatever i want, right? *with wathever reason it might be* In fact i had a long wanted to go to this beach, but i always meet hitch. So when my friend sugested to go to this beach, i immediately said yes. When i think about it again, it sound a bit crazy. I'm just way to Karangasem and the next day I went to the Gunung Payung Beach? Well according to Google, a trip to the beach mountain umbrellas only take an hour. But if you ask me this trip takes longer...